Terms & Conditions

Global Education Care – A symbol of brighter future

Terminology :

Input Material – denotes any documents, materials, data, or other information that the client sends to Global Education Care regarding the Specific Consultancy Service.

Output Material – denotes any papers, materials, data, or extra information that Global Education Care gives the client regarding the Specified Service.

Specification – refers to the Specific Consultancy Service's details.

Conditiona –refers to the normal terms and conditions that Global Education Care has set out in this document for the providing of consulting services.

Contract – refers to the Specification, these terms and conditions, and any additional special terms and conditions for the delivery of the specified consulting service.

Document – comprises, apart from a written record, any diagram, plan, drawing, or photograph, or any device containing additional data, as well as any medium containing visual illustrations.

Fee – is the amount that the client must pay Global Education Care in order to receive the specified consulting service.

Additional Expenses – denotes any additional expenses that Global Education Care may spend due to changes in the specifications or the client's actions or inactions, for which the client will pay Global Education Care back.

Client – refers to the person or people for whom Global Education Care has consented, under certain conditions, to conduct the Specific Consultancy Service.

Parties – denotes the Global Education Carer and client.

Contract Period – is the amount of time needed to finish the Specific Consaltancy Service as specified in the Specification.

Key Personnel – Signifies any of the important Global Education Care employees listed in the Specification.

Special and Overriding Terms and Conditions – any further terms and conditions that supersede these conditions and are stated in the specifications.

1. General

a) Except as may agreed to in writing between the Parties, these Conditions represent the complete agreement between the Parties and supersede any prior understanding or agreement.

b) Any notice that each party is obliged or allowed to send the other under these conditions must be sent to the other party in a way that is sufficiently notified to its address, registered office, or major place of availability, business, or conduct.

c) Neither party's omission or delay in pursuing any of its rights under the Contract shall be construed as a waiver of such right, nor shall any party's waiver of the other's violation of any term of the Contract be interpreted as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other condition.

2. Right to Intellectual Property and Right to Input and Output Materials

a) Global Education Care shall maintain the confidentiality of any input material or other information submitted by the client. The Client shall maintain the confidentiality of all Output Material and additional information provided by Global Education Care that Global Education Care designates.

b) Global Education Care will be the owner of all the intellectual property arising from the Specific Consultancy Service. A non-exclusive license to use this intellectual property only for the purpose of using the Specified Consultancy Service is granted to the Client. This license is contingent upon complete payment of all amounts due under the terms of the contract. All other agreements pertaining to ownership or usage must be approved in writing by both parties.

3. Cost of Service

a) The fee covers the price of all equipment and personnel used. The client will also be billed for expenses.

b) Global Education Care will accept no alteration in the Fee without its express agreement in writing.

4. Conditions of Payment

a) Payment of fees for all bills/fees is ddue within ten (10) days of notice by Global Education Care unless special payment terms are agreed upon.

b) A designated advisory service will be required to resolve the disputed portion. You shall immediately notify Global Education Care of any concern or dispute in writing detailing the nature of the dispute. Global Education Care will use reasonable efforts to address and resolve any disputed elements within a mutually agreed timeframe. Customer is obligated to honor all undisputed amounts due during the dispute resolution process.

c) If payment is not made on time (ten (10) after the date of Global Education Care's notice), Global Education Care reserves the right, without limiting its other rights, to charge extra penalty on the unpaid ammount.

d) The penalty amount accrues before and after any judgement and from the due date until the unpaid balance is paid in full.

e) The customer acknowledges and agrees to make all required payments in full prior to receiving the designated services. If payment is not made on time, service may be delayed or suspended until the outstanding balance paid.

f) Addionally, Customer acknowledges that, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any payments made are non-refundable.

g) The customer must complete the full payment process for all outstanding bills and fees prior to any discontinuation of the Service. If the Services are terminated by either party, the customer acknowledges that all amounts outstanding at the time of termination remain due and payable. The Service Provider reserves the right to take appropriate legal action or utilize any remedies available under this Agreement or applicable law to collect any unpaid payments.

h) If payment is not received in a timely manner, Global Educaton Care reserves the right to suspend provision of services until payment is received.

5. Changes and Additional Fees

a) Before being implemented, any modificatons or adjustments to the services that were initially agreed upon must be agreed upon in writing and approved by both parties.

b) Global Education Care retains the right to impose additional costs for any modifications that are agreed upon or for any services that are not included in the original contract. The client will be informed in advance of any such additional fees, and work on the modifications won't start until the client has given their written consent to the associated expenses.

c) Within ten days of the date of Global Education Care's notice, the Client shall pay Global Education Care's Additional Charges in full, without set-off or other deduction.

d) The Parties must agree in writing before any changes to the Contract may be made or become enforceable.

6. Provison of Certain Consulting Services

a) Global Education Care will provide certain consulting services to the Customer, subject to these Terms and specific and comprehensive terms and conditions. Any changes or additions to the specified consultation, specifications, conditions or special and comprehensive terms and conditions must be agreed in writing between Global Education Care and the Customer.

b) No terms are accepted, provided or included in the Customer's purchase order as part of the contract.

c) In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between these Terms and the specific and superseding terms and conditions, the specific and superseding terms and conditions shall prevail.

d) The designated Consulting Services will be provided in accordance with Global Education Care's specifications or notices or in accordance with Global Education Care's current or updated policies or other announcements published from time to time in connection with Consulting Services.

e) Global Education Care reserves the right, without any liability to the Client, for fixing any typographical errors or other errors or omissions in the specification, brochure, promotional content, or other documentation relating to the provision of the designated Advisory Services.

f) Global Education Care may, at any time and without notice to the Customer, make alterations to designated consulting services that are necessary to comply with applicable legal requirements and that do not materially affect the nature or quality of the designated services.

g) An order from the Customer will only be deemed accepted bt Global Education Care if it has been confirmed in writing by Global Education Care.

h) The Customer is solely responsible to Global Education Care for ensuring the accuracy of the terms and conditions of the order.

i) Client cannot cancel an order once it has been accepted unless otherwise agreed in writing by Global Education Care. The Customer shall indemnify Global Education Care in full against all losses (including loss of profits and loss of commission income), any costs, damages, fees, tuition refund costs, and additional processing costs incurred by Global Education Care as a result of the cancellation.

j) The Customer shall provide GLobal Education Care with all necessary documentation and information in a timely manner to enable GLobal Education Care to provide the specific agreed consulting services. The Client gurantees the accuracy of all documents and information submitted.

k) Global Education Care accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of required documents for any reason whatsoever.

7. Global Education Care's General Duties

a) To the best of its abilities, Global Education Care shall the Specified Consaltancy Services to the Client in a professional manner, exercising appropriate care and diligence.

b) Global Education Care disclaims all responsibility for how it uses the supplied data, documemts, or information.

c)Global Education Care is not prohibited from offering comparable services to other third parties.

d) In the event that any or all of the Specified Personnel are unavailable, Global Education Care shall have the authority to designate substitute personnel and shall use the Personnel as identified to provide the Specified Consultancy Service.

8. Termination/Alternation of Contract

a) Termination of Contract by the client is strictly discouraged. Once a client agrees on a contract with Global Education Care, he/she may not cancel the contract. If cancellation of the contract is executed by the client, the specified ‘cancellation fee’ has to be paid to Global Education Care on a mandatory basis.

b) Alteration of specification, terms of service or service ordered (switching from one service to another) is possible through mutual communication with Global Education Care. Global Education Care is always committed to fulfilling the specifications outlined in the agreed contract with the client to the fullest extent.

c) The cost of all and any work completed by Global Education Care up to the date of alteration of contract and any cost incurred by Global Education Care as a result of a alteration by the client under part a) will be payable by the client to Global Education Care on a compulsory basis.

9. Guarantees & Obligations

a) Global Education Care promises the client that the Specified Consultancy Service will be rendered with reasonable care and skill, in accordance with the Specification, as much as is reasonably possible, and at the intervals and times specified in the Specification.

b) When Global Education Care supplies or facilitates contact between the client and third party for any products or services rendered by a third party in connection with the supply of the Specified Consultancy Service. Regarding their quality, suitability for a certain purpose, or any other aspect, Global Education Care makes no warranties or guarantees of any kind.

c) Global Education Care disclaims all responsibility to the Client for any loss, damage, expenditures, claims for reimbursement, or other matters resulting from any input material or instructions from the client that are not complete, accurate, illegible, out of order, or in the wrong format, or that result from the client's tardiness or non-arrival, among other reasons.

d) The dates provided for the delivery of the specified consultancy services are estimates only. Any delay or nonperformance on the part of Global Education Care about the Specified Service will not subject the company to liability from the Client or be considered a breach of the contract. Time of delivery of the Specified Consultancy Service shall not be of the essential of the Contract, unless otherwise specified in the Overriding Terms and Conditions.

10. Force Majeure

a) Should a force majeure event occur, each party is required to notify the other of the specific circumstances that give rise to the force majeure. Throughout the duration of such Force Majeure, it shall keep the party fully informed of the continuation and any changes in circumstances.

b) If for any reason, including but not limited to fire, strikes, political and economic unrest, insurrection, riots, embargoes, shortage of materials, delays in transportation, demands of civil or military authority, war, civil unrest, or terrorist action, Global Education Care shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations.

c) A Force Majeure will not provide the Client the right to terminate this Agreement, and neither party will be held in violation of this Agreement or otherwise accountable to the other for any non-performance or delay in fulfilling any of its responsibilities as a result of a Force Majeure.

11. Legal Recourse in Defamation Complaint Cases

a) In the event that Global Education Care idenfies defamation or false complain imposed relevant to their Input Materials and Services provided, Global Education Care reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions to defend its interests.

b) Global Education Care retains the right to pursue the necessary legal action to protect its right in the event that the Client flies a complaint or alleges defamation in relation to their input materials.

c) In addition to agreeing to indemnify and keep Global Education Care blameless against any claims, damages, or legal proceedings stemming from such materials, the client accepts that they are entirely responsible for the content and legality of their input materials.

12. Privacy

a) The client is required to maintain strict privacy regarding any technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes, or initiatives that are confidential and have been disclosed to the client by Global Education Care or its personnel. Additionally, the client is required to protect any personal information about Global Education Care's business or products that it may obtain. The client may only disclose such confidential material to those of its employees, agents, or subcontractors who require it in order to fulfill its obligations to Global Education Care. Additionally, the client must ensure that these parties are bound by the same confidentiality requirements as the client.

13. Work On The Client's Facility

a) In the event that Global Education Care needs access to the Client's property in order to carry out the Specified Consultancy Service, the Client will, at mutually agreeable times, grant Global Education Care reasonable access and all services required to enable Global Education Care to carry out its obligations under the Contract.

b) Global Education Care promises not to do any actions or inactions on the client's property that could subject the client to legal liability. When using the client's property, Global Education Care will adhere to all applicable rules and policies regarding visitor safety.